VOLUME FOUR – Twelve Years of World Championship Shootin’ Rigs + one Instructional CD



If you now purchase a copy of Championship Waterfowl Patterns Volume Four ($49.00) you will also get to choose one of Pat Godin’s Instructional CDs (priced at $35.00).  You will be purchasing the book for $14.00.  Choose your CD from the list located in the Store in the Instructional CD section (https://godinart.com/index.php/product-category/cds/).  When you proceed to pay you must leave a note (in the Note box beside the address information) with the title of your choice of CD.


For Thirteen consecutive years Pat Godin competed in the World Class Shootin’ Rig Category at the Ward World Championship Competition. In those years he had six top three placements including a World title in 2001 with a rig featuring a Black Duck pair and a Black Duck/ Mallard Hybrid.   In Volume Four of his popular series Championship Waterfowl Patterns Pat has made available the patterns for twelve of those Shootin’ Rigs. These designs can be used for simple gunning decoys or for very refined decorative decoys.

Volume Four features:

Five information packed pages of instructional material with discussions about:

     – Designing a Shootin’ Rig Decoy

– Flotation

– Durable Design and Construction

– Painting Techniques for Gunning Decoys (textural effects, combed vermiculation, three dimensional painting)

36 color photos of the World Shootin’ Rig Decoys made from these patterns

36 detailed patterns with interesting variations in pose and attitude

The species covered in Volume Four are the Northern Pintail, Mallard, Black Duck, American Wigeon, Eurasian Wigeon, Canvasback, Common Goldeneye, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Long-tailed Duck, Greater Bluebill, White-winged Scoter, and the Red-breasted Merganser.

Bibliography, Sources for Supplies, Related Internet Links

Photographs of carving and painting tools

Pat Godin will personally autograph your copy of Volume Four


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